Redefining the ausculation experience.

What Spanda means for you

Hear with Clarity

  • High-Quality Acoustics
  • Dynamic Noise Filtering (DNF) and Cancellation
  • 80x Dual Band Amplification (DBA)
  • Hearing Acuity Personalization (HAP)

Diagnose with Confidence

  • Multiple Listening modes
  • Point of Interest(PoI)
  • Intuitive Spanda App

Verify Diagnosis

  • phonocardiogram
  • AI based opinion*
  • references to match*

User Friendly

  • Handy Operation Console (OC)
  • Soft Silicone Earbuds
  • Ergonomic Binaural
  • Long Battery Life (8+ hours)

Teaching Digitally

  • broadcast to multiple listeners
  • play it on high fidelity speakers
  • create digital library of annotated sound

Tele-Medicine Enabled

  • Auscultation Recording & Sharing
  • Live Streaming
  • Location Tagging*

Engage Patient

  • Let Patient hear their sound
  • Differentiate with normal sound
  • Build Trust

Future Proof

  • SDK support
  • Over-The-Air (OTA) upgrades
  • Patents in process
  • Cloud based storage

What Our Users Say

Dr. Chinmaya Jagdish Kulkarni

Dr. Chinmaya Jagdish Kulkarni

M.D. (Medicine), DNB (Cardiology)

I couldn't believe it to be true when I used it for the first time. The digital sound through this stethoscope really creates a new craving for auscultation during patient examination. The amplification of sound feature makes soft murmurs or weak heart sounds crisply audible, thus increasing confidence of diagnosis on clinical examination. This stethoscope will surely be a boon and important learning tool for young students during their grooming phase in medicine.

Dr. Mehul Thakkar

Dr. Mehul Thakkar

Director, Medansh Hospital Mumbai

Interesting concept combining technology with a humble stethoscope.I liked the overall design where you can hear the sounds you normally hear with a stethoscope and record them for research, education or telemedicine. I like the part where you can control the volume of what you hear, helps for people with hearing difficulty. The app is user friendly and simple enough. The stethoscope (if we can call it that) can help in remote areas where expertise can be scarce or can be used at home care or ICU level in cities. To top it all of it’s Made in India.

Dr. Baba C Wakankar

Veterinary Doctor
M.V.Sc., Ph.D

I have used Spanda Pro digital stethoscope on dog, cat & goat in my clinic for the last 2 months. The quality of sound is far clear& superior to conventional stethoscope. With the support of mobile application, the sound can be recorded and interpreted for abnormalities.

Dr. Amit P Shah

Dr. Amit P Shah


It's a much needed product in the current Era. I am very much satisfied with its efficiency and accuracy, also it is user friendly and can customize as per your needs .I would recommend it to every medical practitioner.